Asbestos Testing
● 空氣中石棉檢測及采樣:車間、廠房、船舶、建筑拆遷場地
Testing and sampling of asbestos in air: Workshop, factory, ship, building and removing site
● 材料中石棉檢測:建筑材料、絕緣保溫、密封、摩擦材料等
Asbestos testing of materials: construction materials, insulation materials, sealing materials, friction materials, etc.
● 其他樣品中石棉檢測:煙塵、粉塵、土壤、蛭石、水體等
Asbestos testing of other samples: smoke, dust, soil, vermiculite, water, etc.
● 船舶石棉、背景石棉調查;石棉消除、消解、清理、拆除
Investigation of ship asbestos and background asbestos; eliminate, decompose, clear and dismantle the asbestos
Asbestos Lab Services
Asbestos in Air
Asbestos in Dust
Asbestos in Building Materials
Asbestos in Water
Asbestos in Carpets
Asbestos in Soils, Rocks, and Vermiculite
Non-Asbestos Mineral Identifications